Articles Islam Around the World

The Palestinian Struggle: Unveiling 75+ Years of History and Injustice

Ladies and gentlemen, prepare to embark on a journey through time, uncovering over 75 years of Palestinian history. What you’re about to discover is a tapestry of oppression, resilience, and unwavering hope. We’ll delve into a story that begins with the British, zigzags through promises and betrayals and brings us face-to-face with the modern-day crisis that has captured the world’s attention.

The British Promise: A Pivotal Betrayal

Once upon a time, in a land where Christians, Jews, and Muslims lived in harmony, the world witnessed an Austrian visionary named Theodore Herzl. In 1896, he penned “The Jewish State,” outlining a grand vision for Jews to establish their own country to escape the clutches of European anti-Semitism. Fast forward to the first Zionist conference in Switzerland, where an extraordinary agreement unfolded. The program allowed Jewish people to migrate freely to Palestine, laying the foundation for the Zionist movement.

A Country Divided: The Balfour Declaration

In 1917, the infamous Balfour Declaration echoed through the ages. The British pledged to establish a homeland for Jewish people in Palestine. This promise came without consulting the Palestinian population, and the world would soon witness the consequences. By 1939, 10% of adult Palestinian males had been exiled, arrested, injured, or killed.

The UN’s Controversial Carve-Out

In 1947, a UN decision carved out 55% of Palestinian territory for a new Jewish state, but the Zionist movement saw this as an opportunity to seize more. It was a turning point, and the Palestinian exodus began, culminating in over 250,000 Palestinians fleeing their homes when the British mandate ended in 1948. This was the birth of the state of Israel, marking a somber moment etched in history.

The Nakba: A Catastrophe

Seventy-five plus years of oppression, displacement, and suffering cast a dark shadow on the Palestinian people. The term “Nakba” or catastrophe became synonymous with their story. Three-quarters of Palestinians became refugees, and the land they once called home was drastically altered. A long history of struggle and defiance was set in motion.

Modern-Day Struggles: A Cry for Humanity

Fast forward to today, and we’re faced with the horrendous attacks that continue to plague the region. It’s baffling that the world seems to stand behind the Zionist movement, turning a blind eye to the suffering of the Palestinian people. The recent events have raised concerns and questions about the intentions of the parties involved.

A Plea for Justice

In recent days, 1.1 million Palestinians in Northern Gaza were given a 24-hour notice to evacuate. Their exit routes were systematically eliminated, making it a near-impossible feat. The cries of anguish, loss, and desperation continue to echo through the region.

The Silent Witnesses: International Apathy

The world watches as international law is flouted with impunity. Reports of white phosphorus use, an international war crime, chill the soul. White phosphorus’s horrific effects on human skin are ghastly, and yet, it is used against Palestinians in Gaza and South Lebanon.

A Message to the World

Where is humanity in the face of such atrocities? We implore you to stand for justice, to raise your voice for the Palestinian cause, and to fight for what’s right. Let the past be a guide. Remember the consequences of past interventions in the Middle East. The human toll was staggering.

The Palestinian struggle is a story of resistance, resilience, and the yearning for a homeland. As we bear witness to their history, let us remember that change begins with awareness and action. The world must not remain silent in the face of injustice.

Absolutely, it’s an undeniable truth. The British, with their legacy of drawing lines and sowing discord, have played a pivotal role in igniting age-old conflicts across the Middle East. A stark parallel can be drawn to their actions in Kurdistan, where they partitioned the land and allowed four occupying nations to assert dominance.

Their fingerprints can be found in the tumultuous history of India as well, where they masterminded the division of the subcontinent into three distinct nations: India, Bangladesh, and Pakistan. Their actions have left an indelible mark on the map and the hearts of the people.

It’s a stark reminder that the interests of England and the USA often take precedence over the well-being of nations and their people. We must remain vigilant and cautious, keeping these historical lessons in mind to prevent further conflicts that serve their strategic interests, not ours.

FREE PALESTINE! Viva Palestine

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