Islam vs Christianity

Non-Muslim share the difference between Islam and Christianity and it’s Shocking

people often ask me why I don’t criticize Islam the way I criticize Christianity?

Even going as far as saying
that I’m afraid citing all of the
radical Islamic attacks and that I’d be
scared that it would happen to me first
off let’s get one thing real straight
whether it’s in America or France or
wherever most of those radical Islam
attacks are just your government the
clandestine services like the CIA and
the FBI and no that’s not a conspiracy
Theory they were caught doing it at
least 17 times in New York City when the
FBI was training kids young people to be
radical islamist gave them the materials
to make bombs and other things and then
told them to attack a certain Target
right before they did that they arrested
them and said we caught another
terrorist cell they literally groomed
them to be radical islamists okay so
let’s jump into why I made this video
the reason I don’t criticize Islam the
way I criticize Christian chrisan it is
because Islam isn’t really doing
anything wrong with their religion for
starters the war on Islam which I think
we’re all aware is happening for the
last 20 to 30 years is for two reasons
one because Islam doesn’t allow for
Usery and two is because Islam has a lot
of the wisdom about demons dein demonic
attacks and they help people every
single day to be unpossessed by these
Spirits these two things in particular
about Arabic and Muslim culture are
what’s stopping the new world order from
completely taking over stopping people
from being able to get possessed and
stopping the central banks from having
total World control Islam is the enemy
of the NWO that’s why they’re attacked
so much that’s why they’re constantly
faking these radical Islam attacks all
over the Western World mind you always
always happens in the western world for
some reason not to mention any genuine
retaliation by an AR IC or Muslim person
on the west is completely Justified
based on the millions of innocent
civilians the West has murdered in the
last 30 years of international policy in
the Arab world so let’s get into the
actual religion okay first off their God
Allah means like almighty God full stop
period when you get the 99 names of God
of Allah most merciful most
compassionate most kind most
understanding most strong most
courageous let’s talk about Yahweh
Yahweh is a jealous God that demands the
sacrifice of babies and tells a certain
group of people that are chosen to go
basically subjugate everyone else in the
world okay so strike one for
Christianity your God is a murderous
warlord Islam is the god of most
compassion most love etc etc etc
secondly y’all deified your Prophet into
something he was not trying to be Christ
said you will do far greater things than
he then you turned him into a God not
you the Vatican the Pharisees turned him
into a God and then y’all worship a man
as if he’s God in Islam it’s Muhammad
the prophet they didn’t deify a man and
say we can’t be anything like him no it
was like what did Muhammad say how do we
follow his teachings Muhammad is under
Allah y’all can’t figure out what Jesus
Christ is the son the Father the Holy
Spirit you guys are so confused on the
Trinity because it doesn’t make any
sense because it was given to you a lie
and once we started thinking about it
and talking about it we realized how BS
it was another thing y’all torture Jesus
when people when when when Muslims say
uh um Muhammad they say Muhammad peace
be upon him because he’s passed on and
they want him to be in peace in the
afterlife what do y’all do Jesus Christ
on the cross sheds his blood for me
you’re constantly torturing him in the
spiritual world you you you you never
thought to give Christ peace after
everything he’s done for you Islam
Muhammad peace be upon Him always always
love and desire for peace not wanting
him to to feel extreme suffering so that
they don’t have to deal with their own
problems they take personal responsib
ility these are just some of the reasons
you don’t see he see me criticizing
Islam there’s not much to I don’t know
if there’s anything to criticize about
Islam all these radical Islamic attacks
they’re one of two things your
clandestine organizations creating a
false Narrative of radical Islam or
legitimate retaliation from Middle
Eastern countries because the West has
done absolutely atrocious things to them
period free Freedom Fighters for their
own countries are not terrorists if we
were invaded in America and you bared
arms and defended yourself you wouldn’t
be a terrorist and if the other country
called you a terrorist you you’d know
how insane they were that’s what’s
happening just so everyone knows the
radical Islam thing it’s it’s pretty
much bananas and I’m not sure if there’s
any legitimate case of actual genuine
radicalism I don’t know because the West
has created so many false narratives
around it so many false flag attacks we
can’t make any sense of it because
they’re trying to destabilize the Arab
world and destabilize the is the Islamic
religion because Islamic religion still
does not allow for Usery and they have
some of the deepest and most like like
accessible information and wisdom on how
to deal with demonic attack so I hope
this answers the question for people is
why I don’t critize ize Islam as much as
I criticize Christianity and look I’m
not picking on Christians in general
great missionary work charity there’s
lots of wonderful people and lots of
wonderful things have happened because
of Christianity but it’s the individual
Christians who bear their own cross and
live like Christ which gives
Christianity a good name all of the
foundational institutionalized
organizational nonsense with the Vatican
and all this other stuff it’s poison
it’s the synagogue of Satan period
period there’s no argument okay
the facts are in folks it’s just the
truth so my criticism isn’t against all
of Christianity and all Christians my
criticisms have been very specific and
I’ve told you every single time the
problems I have with it and they’re
legitimate they’re legitimate criticisms
you should start taking them seriously

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