Faith Islam vs Christianity New Muslims New To Islam

Do all humans being born as Muslims?

1⃣ Every new born is a Muslim in Islam. When a child is born it cries to breathe to stay alive. This instantly surrendering to GOD’s law of nature is called Islam and the one who surrenders to Islam is called a Muslim. Thus every newborn baby is a Muslim in Islam.

2⃣ When that infant baby grows, his parents brain wash him and introduce him into a different religion. They so program him that he either becomes a Hindu or a Buddhist or a Jew or a Christian. Then he remains no more a Muslim in Islam. His beginning was good but his ending was not so good.
3⃣ All religions teach good things but the truth is that if they do not teach to surrender and worship ONE TRUE GOD then they all are false. False religions teach false worship of false gods and idols. Those gods and goddesses are the creation of the Creator-ONE TRUE GOD. They cannot be GOD by themselves.Creator And His Creations Are Two Different Entities.

4⃣ Worshipping a lesser creation is blasphemy and a greatest sin. It is a high treason in GOD’s Sovereignty. It is a rebellion in his kingdom.

5⃣ Even in ordinary courts of the world the accused gets maximum punishment for treason. No appeal or atonement is accepted.

6⃣ In the kingdom of TRUE GOD it is all the more obnoxious and monstrous, for GOD is a jealous GOD.Need for Prophets
7⃣ For a man religion is the rule of life but the man is a back slider in matters of religion. A man without a true religion is like a horse without a bridle. Therefore, for guidance GOD’s prophets came to keep man on track. Prophet Noah, Abaraham, Ismail, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, Jonah, Lut, Moses, Jesus and finally the last of all prophets Muhammad came at intervals. Peace and GOD’s blessings be on all Prophets of GOD.
8⃣ All prophets were monotheists. They all surrendered their will to GOD. They preached to worship ONE TRUE GOD. There is no other god except ONE TRUE GOD. The only religion acceptable to GOD is Islam. All prophets were Muslims in Islam.
9⃣ Abraham was neither a Jew nor a Christian because he came much before Moses and Jesus. He was a true Muslim in Islam because he refused to worship lesser gods. In Islam only ONE TRUE GOD is the Law Giver.
🔟 Jesus Christ also followed true Islam. He was the most upright Muslim. He believed in ONE TRUE GOD and worshipped HIM alone. Being a Jew he was a monotheist who recited SHEMA- “Hear O Israel! The Lord our GOD, the Lord is One.” Mary and her son Jesus both used to pray to ONE TRUE GOD. They believed in the Ten Commandments called the Law which is as follows

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